Juvenile Cognitive Intervention Program

Requirements for Program Participation:
Youth identified as needing cognitive restructuring

Criminogenic Needs Addressed:
Anti-Social cognition, anti-social companions, anti-social personality or temperament, family, substance abuse, leisure/ recreation

Program Content:
Through group process, JCIP motivates participants to assume responsibility for changing their anti-social thinking and behaviors. The primary focus is to assist youth in building skills that will increase impulse control while reducing the number and severity of rule and law violations. During Phase 1, participants are asked to identify their particular cycle of thinking and to explore how their thinking supports criminal behavior. Phase 2 teaches a five-step problem-solving process that will assist in fostering pro-social behaviors. The youth are then expected to apply these concepts in their structured daily living.

By working closely with the treatment team on their Individual Case Plans, participants in this program are given the opportunity to establish patterns of success and achievement. They have the opportunity to understand the impact their crime had on their victims accept responsibility for their actions, and demonstrate emotional and behavioral stability.

For youth who have completed both JCIP phases, a Family session can be held where family members are invited to meet with a Revive JCIP Counselor to learn JCIP concepts there child has learned and how best to apply them at home. There is also a discussion with parents on past regrets, current challenges, and a commitment to future changes. Upon returning to the community on supervision, a third phase of JCIP called Challenges may be delivered to continue to encourage and support the application of JCIP in the community.

Juvenile Cognitive Intervention Program JCIP Phase 1 and 2 curriculum was developed by Steve Parese, PhD.  The curriculum would later be revised under the direction of Dr. David L. Smith, Ph.D. All Revive facilitators of JCIP have been trained by Dr. David Smith.

Juvenile Cognitive Intervention phase 1 the “Choices” program has 13 lessons. “Choices” is a cognitive restructuring program, designed to help youth understand and challenge their thinking that encourages and excuses their illegal or harmful behavior. This process requires time to ruminate on challenging ideas, and for higher risk youth, the program is compromised if rushed.The program hours and the number of sessions per week determine the intensity of the program. Revive offers this group 2 times a week.

Please contact our administrative office for registration.